Lead with Love
“So where do you guys want to go for dinner?” It seemed like a simple enough question. But involving hungry teens in such decisions can lead to a raging headache, and immediate regret for asking their input in the first place.
After a couple rounds of disagreement, my daughter conceded to her brother—agreeing to go to her least favorite pizza place.
The reason behind her surrender was unexpected.
She shared that he has been a “jerk” to her lately, so if she is kind to him, maybe he will be nicer to her.
Her sincere words left me pondering much more than the toppings for my mediocre pizza.
She was trying to set an example—hoping to lead her brother to kindness with kindness.
Our instinct can often be the opposite. When someone isn’t treating us well, we may be tempted to reciprocate. To be a jerk right back. That I’ll show you or they started it attitude.
Choosing to continue the cycle of hurt just makes things worse. AND it makes us feel lousy too. Heavy. Burdened.
But kindness.
Kindness heals. It creates light and hope. Kindness can put a gentle stop to an ugly situation.
It doesn’t mean we accept being mistreated or become doormats. But it does mean that we take a more gracious path, and maybe even soften someone’s heart in the process.
I recently saw these words printed on a poster: “Choose to be kind to others, not because they’re nice, but because you are.”
As we prepare for Christmas, I can’t think of a better time to recommit to choosing kindness. Even when it isn’t the easy choice.
There are stickers and signs all around encouraging us to Keep Christ in Christmas. Kindness is a simple yet powerful way to accomplish that beautiful task. We can be a living example of Jesus and feel closer to Him through our acts of love.
This season, I hope you’ll join me in trying to stretch a bit while spreading kindness and Christmas cheer. It’s easier to be kind to kind people, to be kind on our own terms. But how about the people who are making our life difficult, in big ways or small. Let’s load them up with love too! Chances are, they need it more than we realize.
Kindness…the perfect gift.
Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you. Ephesians 4:32 (NLT)
PS. Hope you have a spectacular Thanksgiving!
Here are those teens from the pizza story! My daughter got her driver’s license on the same day I published this post. I have a feeling her brother will continue being nicer to her:)
November 27, 2019 at 8:20 am
“Kindness can put a gentle stop to an ugly situation.” So good!
November 27, 2019 at 5:15 pm
Thanks Amber!
November 28, 2019 at 7:22 pm
I love your message and yes I do agree that showing kindness to a person who is not showing you kindness, works. I’ve experienced it many times and it does have a positive effect!
November 30, 2019 at 8:03 am
Thanks for reading and commenting! So glad you connected with the post.